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The Washington Association of Colleges for Teacher Education (WACTE) - an Affiliate of the American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education (AACTE)

The Mission of the Washington Association of Colleges for Teacher Education is to provide leadership on issues related to professional education, with primary focus on teacher education.

This Mission is pursued through activities which:

  1. promote equity, diversity, and inclusion within the professional education community;
  2. promote effective public policy regarding professional education;
  3. enhance and improve professional education programs at member institutions; and
  4. enhance the professional effectiveness of members.

Article I: Name

The name of this organization shall be "The Washington Association of Colleges for Teacher Education: An Affiliate of the American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education."

Article II: Objectives

The objectives of WACTE shall be to:

  1. Establish an effective voice for teacher education at the state level on matters of policy related to teacher education.
  2. Establish an effective communication system between AACTE and WACTE.
  3. Provide a vehicle for teacher education institutions within the state to assist the national organization in:
    1. Developing and defining positions on issues of importance to teacher education,
    2. Building support for national policy and activity, and
    3. Supporting the programs and activities of the state associations.
  4. Provide for the interaction of teacher education institutions among themselves and with other organizations for the purpose of improving teacher education.
  5. Provide a vehicle for the development of positions of mutual interest and support and formal arrangements for the implementation of established policy.

Article III: Membership

  1. Comprehensive membership: All regionally accredited four-year colleges and universities that are regular members of AACTE and in the State of Washington engaged in the preparation of professional school personnel, including paraprofessionals who have contact with children in the teaching-learning process, and that have certification programs for educators approved by the Washington State Professional Educator Standards Board (PESB) under the Revised Code of Washington (RCW) 28A.410 shall be eligible for comprehensive membership.
  2. State membership: All other regionally accredited two- or four-year colleges and universities which are non-AACTE member institutions and have certification programs for educators approved by the Washington State PESB under RCW 28A.410 shall be eligible for state membership.
  3. Affiliate membership: Organizations, state education associations, regional education laboratories, or other educational associations as identified by the Executive Board that indicate teacher education as one of the primary purposes of the institution or organization and that have certification programs for educators approved by the Washington State PESB under RCW 28A.410 shall be eligible for affiliate membership

Article IV: Liaison Relationships

Liaison relationships may be established with associations and agencies with an interest in the preparation of professional school personnel.

Article V: Officers

The officers of WACTE shall be President, First President-Elect, Second President-Elect, Past President, Secretary, Treasurer, Member-at-Large, Research Specialist, and Representative to the AACTE Advisory Council of State Representatives (when necessary as stipulated in the Bylaws) and such other officers as may be deemed necessary, to be elected in accordance with the Bylaws.

Article VI: Executive Board

The Executive Board shall be elected by institutional representatives to WACTE in accordance with the requirements set forth in the Bylaws.

Article VII: Meetings

The WACTE shall hold at least two regular meetings annually and such other meetings as may be called by the Executive Board.

Article VIII: Rules of Order

The rules of parliamentary procedure contained in Robert's Rules of Order (latest revision) shall govern the deliberations of WACTE.

Article IX: Non-Profit Status

WACTE is not organized for profit and no part of its funds shall inure to the benefit of any member or individual.

Article X: Affiliation

WACTE shall be affiliated with AACTE in accordance with the following policies approved by the AACTE Board of Directors.

  1. For purposes of obtaining affiliation membership in AACTE, WACTE shall consist of at least 60 percent of AACTE member institutions in the state.
  2. Continuance of affiliation shall be contingent upon:
    1. Maintenance of a membership of at least 60 percent of AACTE member institutions in the State.
    2. Assurance that the voting rights of comprehensive members comprise at least 51 percent of the total voting right for the state unit.
    3. Submission to AACTE Board of Directors of an annual state activity report to include a review of program and fiscal activities and a certification of membership within the state unit.
    4. Biennial review by AACTE Board of Directors.
    5. Adoption and maintenance of WACTE Constitution and Bylaws consistent with the nationally approved (AACTE) models of same.

Article XI: Amendments

Proposed amendments to this constitution shall be submitted in writing to the state Executive Board by institutional representatives. The state Executive Board must approve the proposed amendments by a majority vote. After approval by the state Executive Board, such proposed amendments must be sent to all member institutions of WACTE at least two weeks before the meeting at which they are to be voted upon, or, if the vote is to be taken by mail or email, at least two weeks before the voting deadline.

Proposed amendments shall not become a part of this constitution until such proposed amendments are approved in person or by proxy by two-thirds of the members of WACTE and until such proposed amendments are approved by the AACTE Board of Directors.

Article XII: Bylaws

Bylaws may be adopted or amended by the Executive Board subject to a majority vote of institutional representatives from the membership at a regular or special meeting and approval of the AACTE Board of Directors.


This constitution was adopted July 1, 1977 through majority action of the Charter members:

Central Washington University
Eastern Washington University
Fort Wright College*
Gonzaga University
Pacific Lutheran University
Saint Martin's College
Seattle Pacific University
Seattle University
University of Puget Sound
University of Washington
Walla Walla College
Washington State University
Western Washington University
Whitman College
Whitworth College


Constitution Amended: 2/1/85; 5/7/89; 4/20/95; 10/27/16; 10/24/19


*Fort Wright College closed and transitioned to Heritage College (1982), a separate institution.